1.0 Delivery
1.1. The product is shipped from SoluNOiD warehouse or SoluNOiD's subcontractor stock to the Customer's declared shipping address.
1.2. 1.2. Delivery is made as soon as possible, taking due account of delivery times at SoluNOiD's subcontractors. SoluNOiD is thus entitled to make progressive delivery and invoicing. The agreed delivery date is deemed to be complied with when SoluNOiD has dispatched the delivery before the expiration or is available to the Customer. If the Customer has requested changes or supplement to the delivery, the delivery period will be extended by the period of time that the amendment or supplement applies.
1.3. Does SoluNOiD not deliver timely, according to 1.1, there is a delay. If the Customer wishes to make breach rights applicable, the Customer shall notify SoluNOiD of a new reasonable time limit for delivery. If delivery has not taken place before the expiry of the reasonable period, Customer is entitled to cancel the purchase. If such a reasonable period has not been notified to SoluNOiD within 2 days of the delay, Customer will lose its right to cancel and SoluNOiD shall deliver as soon as possible.
1.4. SoluNOiD uses the following carriers through a subcontractor: BRING, DHL, GLS, PostNord, Dao (365) and Danish Freightmen
1.5. Delivery can be made to Private Address (with Distribution), Business Address and Packet Shop, when the carrier supports these forms of delivery.
1.6. If delivery from remote warehouse is available, our subcontractors and distributors' transporters are used, and there may be changed delivery times
1.7. When purchasing Filright Filament, delivery with DPD is from our subcontractor and delivery time will typically be 1-2 days. If the subcontractor does not have the item in stock, it may take up to 21 days for the item to be delivered